I was thinking, when we first saw her everyone thought she looked very unfriendly and even sort of scary *lol*
EDIT: Dang, I had to erase the first two photos here because the author doesn't want them published on the Internet... as Spanky said, there you have *G*in her impersonification of Steve McQueen LMAO
Actually I had no idea they were not on the Internet, because I know tens of people who have them or have seen them... *shrug*
Anyway, I'll try to find equally disturbing *cough* ;) photos to argue about the metamorphosis... LOL
[will insert scary photos here ;) and continues to rest of the post]
But I have this feeling that she has started to look a little more human as of lately...
... maybe I'm wrong. But this one below is my absolute favorite *hearts*
She almost looks sweet, which I never thought she would, back in 2004 *eek* :P