Today was accreditation day for volunteers of the Rome tournament and it was a pleasant surprise to learn that we get to wear decent clothes this year *eek* :P. BNP Paribas is the new sponsor so they're swarming the tournament with cash. There are also many more paid positions compared to last year.
The white polo...
... the dark blue trousers...
and this amazing inner-piled, sleeveless jacket - ok, maybe it doesn't look amazing from the photo but I can assure you that it is!
Oh, and one minor detail... the all-access tournament pass *devil* Ok, I admit it, it won't get me in the press room... but that's the only place where it can't get me, God Bless It *worship* ;)
lucky you!
have fun at the tourny =)
Did you just say that you don't get paid..but you will get laid?! *shock* LOL
Why do you need a jacket?
It's Rome! It's got to be fairly warm there!?
(southern England has just had it's warmest and driest April on record..)
They are cool, Bums
Have you tried them ??? How are you looking wearing them ??? *grins*
Photos! We need photos! (Not of
the static clothes, but the animated
ones, with flesh inside.)
*yawn* What a week. Or two weeks.
I can't even remember.
Enjoy the tournament! (I'd ask you
to lick Sveta's neck for me, but
I think she is not to your taste.)
Cool clothes... now it will be easier to recognize you.... LOL *kidding*
@spank: no, I won't get laid either, but I know some other people who work for the tournament that probably will *tape* *yikes*
The jacket is a part of a default equipment; we might need it when it rains or for the evening sessions :P
LOL @ Francesca: you're right, it's only about 2,000 people dressed with the same clothes so it's going to be a lot easier ;)
@Mary: I'm sorry about the static clothes, that's all I can offer for now :P I'm sure I'll shoot something a little more dynamic in the next few days ;)
My sexual orientation is not Sveta-curious (lmao) but I'd be glad to lick her neck for you - not my wildest dream but neither that big sacrifice ;) I can't guarantee she'll feel the same though (and I don't mean she'll turn Bumsby-curious LOL)
Are you going to wear some sexy underwear to flash at Momo when you see her? :D
Underwear? Who says I'll wear underwear?
;) j/k
Ohhh, you're taking a leaf out of Mary's book are you, the "commando" look.. :D
LOL no, I won't copy Mary's style... well, I don't know if it's her style but I remember she used to keep us updated on her "commando status", so to speak LOL
I don't like bum wedgies and... erm, other incidents connected to going commando *coughs*
I mean, I don't like them on myself *devil* So yeah, thankfully I have a pile of underwear in my drawers ;)
What did you just say?!?!?!
"I have a pile of underwear in your drawers" = You are wearing multiple layers of knickers under your big bloomers which are riding up!?
"I have a pile in my knickers" = you need to include more fruit and fibre in your diet! LOL
*shakes head and mumbles to self*
I'm not going commando these days--
I've been playing tennis at night
lately, and it's cool then, so I'm not wearing my neato-keen two-in-one shorts-- but
I am painting shirtless today (it's warm
in LA.)
(I should go for a moto ride now,
but the thought of putting on all
those clothes (and armoured clothes,
at that) isn't appealing.)
Wow... Mary in a bra showing her abs to the canvas... perhaps the canvas will respond better than usual *devil*
And no, don't dress up and get on the bike. Stay shirtless, carefree and creative to give us your beautiful paintings :D
tap tap tap..
*damn I can't get the webcam to work that Fredgirl installed for me!*
just kidding ;)
Yeah, Spank. Damn web cam.
I wasn't even wearing a bra.
(When LA gets hot, a bra is too
Oh! Thanks for offering to
lick Sveta for me--much appreciated.
K8 from Gerd's board forwarded
me a sound file of Sveta's interview.
A reporter asked her what her
favorite gifts from fans were.
She said, "My favorite one
is drawings; I like fans'
drawings, yeah."
It made me smile.
Mmmh... I wonder who Sveta had in mind when she said today "I don’t really care in which country I have to play. The important thing is to attract and entertain the tennis fans"
Can we go as far as assuming Sveta has a crush on Mary? :D LOL
I admit, I've been the
recipient of some strange behavior
from people I've painted portraits of.
I've never received a portrait from
anyone, so I don't know how it feels.
But it must feel good.
As for Sveta and her fans--well,
she has many fans, and I think she
likes a lot of them. I'm just one
more. (Plus she is savvy, in terms
of business. The more entertaining
she is, the more money she will make.)
p.s. If you want to make something
out of nothing, she posted on
soubrette's forum that she'd read
"Eleven Minutes" by Paulo Coelho,
which is about an older painter who
romances a prostitute (!!)
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