yeh! at a double match she complained about every point and was just arguing with the chair umpire *haha* in the end the chair umpire got exchanged *haha*
Hi there, this is not me, this is Amélie Mauresmo! LOL I put her photo in here because this blog is mainly devoted to online storage of the stuff I find about her: news, videos, reports, articles, photos, etc. Oh, and btw, I'm the proud founder of World MomOrganization (WMO) ;)
Hope ya have fun in here, cheers!
Official Nipple Watchers (ONW): SlipknotSian, tRUstus, timafi, veronika, Ukey, Hugo87
Head of Scrunchy Watching Department (HSWD): suzie
Official Scrunchy Watcher (OSW): SlipknotSian
Official Stalker Supreme + Official Filiol-Bimes conspiracy fabulist Emeritus: Bumsby
Official Initiator of General Nastiness + Amélie's Official Sweat Wiper: SpankMe
Official Abdominals Watcher (OAbW): forever_rafter
Official Giver of Hugs and Kisses (OGHK)+ Official Admirer of the World's Greatest Ass (OAWGA) + Official Momo Bouncing Up and Down Waiting for Play to Resume Spectator (OMBUDWPRS) + Official Observer of Momo's Very Sexy Walk (OOMVSW) : Sapphisto
Official Bagel Maker + Official Thigh & Shoulder Massager: skiingblueangel8
Official Clever and Witty Cheering Thread Titles Creator: Linnie
Official Bra & Sports Bra Fitter: SlipknotSian
Special Double-Duty Feasibility Inspectors: Gerri, ichnussa
Cute Tight Little Shorts Campaigner: Gerri
Official Ass Watchers (OAW): SlipknotSian, veronika, Hugo87
Official Pre- & Post-Match Arm Massager: Barbarela
Official Alcohol-Abuse Watchers: Jenny C. Fan, timafi
Official Angelic Face Admirer: Camila
Official Italian Press Observer probably bored to death: ichnussa
Official Momoflag Designer + Official Weight Watcher: Hollywood14
Official Momo-poll Maelstrom: spinpup
Official Admirer of Amazing Stolen Profile Photographs of the French Prodigy (OAASPPFP): Nicjac
Official Supplier of Amelie's Pictures During Off Season (OSAPDOS): BARBIE
Official MomoFistPump Watcher (OMFPW): GS_28
Official Glittering and Shining Amélie's Wallpaper or Whateva Maker: Nadl
Official Utterly Useless Information Finder (OUUIF): KJ2007
Honorary President for having had the original idea: Sapphisto
Official Dog Walkers: Barbarela, Hollywood14, veronika
Official Dog Walker in charge of Stroking: forever_rafter
Official Mediator in charge of Human-to-Animal Communication: SpankMe
I don't want to see pictures of The Squark! :(
j/k :P
i'm always askin me why she hasnt won a tourny yet..
maybe in 2 weeks at bad gastein, austria. the field is pretty weak
I think she has trouble performing without motivation and most of all she has trouble finding enough motivation :P
Wow, what scary photos !!! *scared*
Big Lol @ Barbie's comment :D
It's just RAGE! *makes scary face*
:D ;)
These photos prove that she is female Borat :D :P LOL *evil grin*
JOKE! ;)
She has always been an impressive fighter in the Fed Cup :)
thats the only thing she can win LoL
j/k i like francesca since i saw her in linz! she was so crazy there :p
"Crazy" That is a very good word for her :D
Btw this is the link to her famous video:
(on two lines for those who have trouble).
Fran makes a hint to a 2W + 1M threesome :D Perhaps she is bi...
at a double match she complained about every point and was just arguing with the chair umpire *haha* in the end the chair umpire got exchanged *haha*
What?! I didn't watch that far, I saw the guy poke his tongue out and Fran smile and *ugg*!
LOL you didn't watch that far because you probably puked in the early seconds of the vid :D
You missed the interview part, when she was awarded the golden tapis (it's an honor reserved for those Italians who do something retarded)
Sorry the golden "tapir" :P
Hey it's not opening *crying*
As opposed to the golden tapas which is for the spanish :D
Tapirs are dangerous.
Think "supersoakers" and if you go to the zoo, stand well back.
*eyes wide*
LOL @ tapas....
It works Barbie, just merge the two lines.
LOL the Italian guy who did the interview was telling her "Well done, uphold the national honour..." LMAO
Spank said : "Big Lol @ Barbie's comment :D"
You know, her hair looks more scary than her *scared*
True LOL, she has the most clueless hair I've ever seen (even a little worse than mine :P)
Eeuuuhh the video !!!
Amelie looks cute in th pic the only good pic in that bunch
Ok, I see none of you is a Francesca fan... :P
And now forgive me while I jump on a monster kebab sandwich... *slurp*
... and now forgive me while I crash dead on the bed. ;)
Bums said : "... and now forgive me while I crash dead on the bed."
Alone or ..... ??? *shrug*
No, she is never alone with her kebab
Bumsby wrote Ok, I see none of you is a Francesca fan... :P
i'm a kinda fan of her ;)
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